# Directives

# @aggregate

Returns an aggregate of a column in a given relationship or model.
directive @aggregate(
  The column to aggregate.
  column: String!

  The aggregate function to compute.
  function: AggregateFunction!

  The relationship with the column to aggregate.
  Mutually exclusive with `model` and `builder`.
  relation: String

  The model with the column to aggregate.
  Mutually exclusive with `relation` and `builder`.
  model: String

  Point to a function that provides a Query Builder instance.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  Mutually exclusive with `relation` and `model`.
  builder: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

Options for the `function` argument of `@aggregate`.
enum AggregateFunction {
  Return the average value.

  Return the sum.

  Return the minimum.

  Return the maximum.

If all you need is counting, use @count.

To retrieve the aggregate of a column on a root field, reference a model:

type Query {
  totalDownloads: Int!
    @aggregate(model: "Song", column: "downloads", function: SUM)

To retrieve the aggregate of a column in related models, reference the relation:

type Album {
  rating: Float! @aggregate(relation: "songs", column: "rating", function: AVG)

You may combine filters and scopes:

type Query {
  mostListened(genre: String @eq): Int!
      model: "Song"
      column: "listen_count"
      function: MAX
      scope: ["published"]

# @all

Fetch all Eloquent models and return the collection as the result.
directive @all(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  Mutually exclusive with `builder`.
  model: String

  Point to a function that provides a Query Builder instance.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  Mutually exclusive with `model`.
  builder: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

This assumes your model has the same name as the type you are returning and is defined in the default model namespace App. You can change this configuration.

type Query {
  users: [User!]! @all

If you need to use a different model for a single field, you can pass a class name as the model argument.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @all(model: "App\\Blog\\BlogEntry")

# @async

Defer the execution of mutations to [queued jobs](https://laravel.com/docs/queues).

This directive must only be used on fields of the root mutation type.
When the field is executed, a `Nuwave\Lighthouse\Async\AsyncMutation` job is dispatched
and the value `true` is returned - thus the fields return type must be `Boolean!`.

Once a [queue worker](https://laravel.com/docs/queues#running-the-queue-worker) picks up the job,
it will actually execute the underlying field resolver.
Errors that occur during execution are reported through the Laravel exception handler.
The handlers in the `config/lighthouse.php` option `error_handlers` are not called.
directive @async(
  Name of the queue to dispatch the job on.
  If not specified, jobs will be dispatched to the default queue.
  See https://laravel.com/docs/queues#customizing-the-queue-and-connection.
  queue: String

# @auth

Return the currently authenticated user as the result of a query.
directive @auth(
  Specify which guards to use, e.g. ["api"].
  When not defined, the default from `lighthouse.php` is used.
  guards: [String!]
type Query {
  me: User @auth

If you need to use a guard besides the default to resolve the authenticated user, you can pass the guard name as the guards argument.

type Query {
  me: User @auth(guards: ["api"])

When multiple guards are passed, the first one that returns a user is used.

union Authenticable = Admin | User

type Query {
  me: Authenticable @auth(guards: ["api", "admin"])

# @belongsTo

Resolves a field through the Eloquent `BelongsTo` relationship.
directive @belongsTo(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

It assumes both the field and the relationship method to have the same name.

type Post {
  author: User @belongsTo
namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;

final class Post extends Model
    public function author(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

The directive accepts an optional relation argument if your relationship method has a different name than the field.

type Post {
  user: User @belongsTo(relation: "author")

# @belongsToMany

Resolves a field through the Eloquent `BelongsToMany` relationship.
directive @belongsToMany(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

  Allows to resolve the relation as a paginated list.
  type: BelongsToManyType

  Allow clients to query paginated lists without specifying the amount of items.
  Overrules the `pagination.default_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means clients have to explicitly ask for the count.
  defaultCount: Int

  Limit the maximum amount of items that clients can request from paginated lists.
  Overrules the `pagination.max_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means the count is unrestricted.
  maxCount: Int

  Specify a custom type that implements the Edge interface
  to extend edge object.
  Only applies when using Relay style "connection" pagination.
  edgeType: String

Options for the `type` argument of `@belongsToMany`.
enum BelongsToManyType {
  Offset-based pagination, similar to the Laravel default.

  Offset-based pagination like the Laravel "Simple Pagination", which does not count the total number of records.

  Cursor-based pagination, compatible with the Relay specification.

# Basic Usage

The field and the relationship method are assumed to have the same name.

type User {
  roles: [Role!]! @belongsToMany
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;

final class User extends Model
    public function roles(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class);

# Rename Relation

The directive accepts an optional relation argument if your relationship method has a different name than the field.

type User {
  jobs: [Role!]! @belongsToMany(relation: "roles")

# Retrieving Intermediate Table Columns

You may want to allow accessing data that describes the relation between the models and is stored in the intermediate table - see retrieving intermediate table columns in Laravel (opens new window).

Just like in Laravel, you can access the pivot attribute on the models (or its alias). Even though this attribute is always present when querying the model through the relation, it may not be present when reaching the node through another path in the schema, so it is recommended to define the field as nullable (no !).

The following example assumes the intermediate table between User and Role defines a column meta.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;

final class User extends Model
    public function roles(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class)

final class Role extends Model
    public function users(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)
type User {
  id: ID!
  roles: [Role!]! @belongsToMany
  pivot: RoleUserPivot

type Role {
  id: ID!
  users: [Users!]! @belongsToMany
  pivot: RoleUserPivot

type RoleUserPivot {
  meta: String

When using the type argument with pagination style CONNECTION, you may create your own edge type (opens new window) that either contains the attributes of the intermediate table or contains a pivot field with the corresponding type.

The custom edge type must contain at least the following two fields:

  • cursor: String!
  • node: <RelatedModel>! (in this case node: Role!)

It is expected to be named <RelatedModel>Edge (in this case RoleEdge). Assuming the intermediate table defines a column meta, the definition could look like this:

type User {
  roles: [Role!]! @belongsToMany(type: CONNECTION)

type RoleEdge {
  node: Role!
  cursor: String!
  meta: String

As an alternative, you can also expose the pivot field on the edge:

type User {
  roles: [Role!]! @belongsToMany(type: CONNECTION)

type UserRole {
  meta: String

type RoleEdge {
  node: Role!
  cursor: String!
  pivot: UserRole

# @broadcast

Broadcast the results of a mutation to subscribed clients.
directive @broadcast(
  Name of the subscription that should be retriggered as a result of this operation.
  subscription: String!

  Specify whether or not the job should be queued.
  This defaults to the global config option `lighthouse.subscriptions.queue_broadcasts`.
  shouldQueue: Boolean
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

Read more about subscriptions

The subscription argument must reference the name of a subscription field.

type Mutation {
  createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): Post
    @broadcast(subscription: "postCreated")

You may override the default queueing behaviour from the configuration by passing the shouldQueue argument.

type Mutation {
  updatePost(input: UpdatePostInput!): Post
    @broadcast(subscription: "postUpdated", shouldQueue: false)

# @builder

Manipulate the query builder with a method.
directive @builder(
  Reference a method that is passed the query builder.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, separated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  method: String!

  Pass a value to the method as the second argument after the query builder.
  Only used when the directive is added on a field.
  value: BuilderValue

Any constant literal value: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Input-Values
scalar BuilderValue

You must point to a method which will receive the builder instance and can apply additional constraints to the query.

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

When used on an argument, the method is only called when the argument is specified (may be null), and its value is passed as the second parameter. When used on a field, the method is always called, and if the value argument is defined, it is passed as the second parameter.

type Query {
        minimumHighscore: Int @builder(method: "App\MyClass@minimumHighscore")
    ): [User!]! @all
    highrankedUsers: [User!]! @all @builder(method: "App\MyClass@minimumHighscore", value: 1000)
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;

final class MyClass
     * @param  array<string, mixed>  $args
    public function minimumHighscore(Builder $builder, ?int $minimumHighscore, mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): Builder
        if (! $minimumHighscore) return $builder;
        return $builder->whereHas('game', static fn (Builder $builder): Builder => $builder->where('score', '>', $minimumHighscore));

# @cache

Cache the result of a resolver.
directive @cache(
  Set the duration it takes for the cache to expire in seconds.
  If not given, the result will be stored forever.
  maxAge: Int

  Limit access to cached data to the currently authenticated user.
  When the field is accessible by guest users, this will not have
  any effect, they will access a shared cache.
  private: Boolean = false

You can find usage examples of this directive in the caching docs.

# @cacheControl

Influences the HTTP `Cache-Control` headers of the response.
directive @cacheControl(
  The maximum amount of time the field's cached value is valid, in seconds.
  0 means the field is not cacheable.
  Mutually exclusive with `inheritMaxAge = true`.
  maxAge: Int! = 0

  Is the value specific to a single user?
  scope: CacheControlScope! = PUBLIC

  Should the field inherit the `maxAge` of its parent field instead of using the default `maxAge`?
  Mutually exclusive with `maxAge`.
  inheritMaxAge: Boolean! = false

Options for the `scope` argument of `@cacheControl`.
enum CacheControlScope {
  The value is the same for each user.

  The value is specific to a single user.

Find usage examples of this directive in the caching docs.

# @cacheKey

Specify the field to use as a key when creating a cache.

You can find usage examples of this directive in the caching docs.

# @can

Deprecated. Use the @can* family of directives instead.

# @can* family of directives

All @can* directives have common arguments. These arguments specify how gates are checked and what to do if the user is not authorized. Each directive has its own set of arguments that specify what to check against.

The ability to check permissions for.
ability: String!

Pass along the client given input data as arguments to `Gate::check`.
injectArgs: Boolean! = false

Statically defined arguments that are passed to `Gate::check`.

You may pass arbitrary GraphQL literals,
e.g.: [1, 2, 3] or { foo: "bar" }
args: CanArgs

Action to do if the user is not authorized.
action: CanAction! = EXCEPTION_PASS

Value to return if the user is not authorized and `action` is `RETURN_VALUE`.
returnValue: CanArgs

Types are specified as:

Any constant literal value: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Input-Values
scalar CanArgs

enum CanAction {
  Pass exception to the client.

  Throw generic "not authorized" exception to conceal the real error.

  Return the value specified in `returnValue` argument to conceal the real error.

You can find usage examples of these directives in the authorization docs.

# @canFind

Check a Laravel Policy to ensure the current user is authorized to access a field.

Query for specific model instances to check the policy against, using primary key(s) from specified argument.
directive @canFind(
  Specify the name of the field argument that contains its primary key(s).

  You may pass the string in dot notation to use nested inputs.
  find: String!

  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Should the query fail when the models of `find` were not found?
  findOrFail: Boolean! = true

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

# @canModel

Check a Laravel Policy to ensure the current user is authorized to access a field.

Check the policy against the root model.
directive @canModel(
  The model name to check against.
  model: String
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

# @canQuery

Check a Laravel Policy to ensure the current user is authorized to access a field.

Query for specific model instances to check the policy against, using arguments
with directives that add constraints to the query builder, such as `@eq`.
directive @canQuery(
  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

# @canResolved

Check a Laravel Policy to ensure the current user is authorized to access a field.

Check the policy against the model instances returned by the field resolver.
Only use this if the field does not mutate data, it is run before checking.
directive @canResolved repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

# @canRoot

Check a Laravel Policy to ensure the current user is authorized to access a field.

Check the policy against the root object.
directive @canRoot repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

# @clearCache

Clear a resolver cache by tags.
directive @clearCache(
  Name of the parent type of the field to clear.
  type: String!

  Source of the parent ID to clear.
  idSource: ClearCacheIdSource

  Name of the field to clear.
  field: String
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

Options for the `idSource` argument of `@clearCache`.

Exactly one of the fields must be given.
input ClearCacheIdSource {
  Path of an argument the client passes to the field `@clearCache` is applied to.
  argument: String

  Path of a field in the result returned from the field `@clearCache` is applied to.
  field: String

You can find usage examples of this directive in the caching docs.

# @complexity

Customize the calculation of a fields complexity score before execution.
directive @complexity(
  Reference a function to customize the complexity score calculation.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  resolver: String!

You can provide your own function to calculate complexity. Read More about query complexity analysis (opens new window)

type Query {
  posts(includeFullText: Boolean): [Post!]!
      resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Security\\ComplexityAnalyzer@userPosts"

A custom complexity function may look like the following, refer to the complexity function signature.

namespace App\GraphQL\Security;

final class ComplexityAnalyzer
    public function userPosts(int $childrenComplexity, array $args): int
        $postComplexity = ($args['includeFullText'] ?? false)
            ? 3
            : 2;

        return 1 + ($childrenComplexity * $postComplexity);

# @convertEmptyStringsToNull

Replaces incoming empty strings `""` with `null`.

When used upon fields, empty strings for non-nullable inputs will pass unchanged.
Only explicitly placing this on non-nullable inputs will force the conversion.

Use this when there is no meaningful distinction between an empty string and null.

type Mutation {
  createPost(title: String @convertEmptyStringsToNull): Post!

Usage on a field applies the conversion recursively to all inputs.

type Mutation {
  createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): Post! @convertEmptyStringsToNull

Non-nullable arguments will not be converted when this directive is used on a field, but will be converted when it is used directly on the argument.

type Mutation {
    willBeConvertedBecauseExplicitlyMarked: String! @convertEmptyStringsToNull
    willNotBeConvertedToMaintainInvariants: String!
  ): Post! @convertEmptyStringsToNull

If you want this for all your fields, consider adding this directive to your global field middleware in lighthouse.php:

    'field_middleware' => [

# @count

Returns the count of a given relationship or model.
directive @count(
  The relationship to count.
  Mutually exclusive with `model`.
  relation: String

  The model to count.
  Mutually exclusive with `relation`.
  model: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

  Count only rows where the given columns are non-null.
  `*` counts every row.
  columns: [String!]! = ["*"]

  Should exclude duplicated rows?
  distinct: Boolean! = false

Specify the name of the model to count when using this directive on a root query:

type Query {
  categoryCount: Int! @count(model: "Category")

You can also count relations:

type User {
  id: ID!
  likeCount: Int! @count(relation: "likes")

# @create

Create a new Eloquent model with the given arguments.
directive @create(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Specify the name of the relation on the parent model.
  This is only needed when using this directive as a nested arg
  resolver and if the name of the relation is not the arg name.
  relation: String

Use it on a root mutation field that returns an instance of the Model.

type Mutation {
  createPost(title: String!): Post! @create

If you are using a single input object as an argument, you must tell Lighthouse to spread out the nested values before applying it to the resolver.

type Mutation {
  createPost(input: CreatePostInput! @spread): Post! @create

input CreatePostInput {
  title: String!

If the name of the Eloquent model does not match the return type of the field, or is located in a non-default namespace, set it with the model argument.

type Mutation {
  createPost(title: String!): Post! @create(model: "Foo\\Bar\\MyPost")

This directive can also be used as a nested arg resolver.

# @createMany

Create multiple new Eloquent models with the given arguments.
directive @createMany(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Specify the name of the relation on the parent model.
  This is only needed when using this directive as a nested arg
  resolver and if the name of the relation is not the arg name.
  relation: String

When used on a field, it must have exactly one argument where the type is a non-null list of input objects.

type Mutation {
  createPosts(inputs: [CreatePostInput!]!): [Post!]! @createMany

input CreatePostInput {
  title: String!

# @delete

Delete one or more models.
directive @delete(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Specify the name of the relation on the parent model.
  This is only needed when using this directive as a nested arg
  resolver and if the name of the relation is not the arg name.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

Mutation fields using this directive will return an instance of the deleted Model (or Models).

type Mutation {
  deletePost(id: ID! @whereKey): Post! @delete

You can also delete multiple models at once, for example by a list of IDs or a filter. Be careful with the filters you offer to avoid accidental mass deletion. Lighthouse will validate that at least one argument is given.

In contrast to Laravel mass updates, this does trigger model events.

type Mutation {
  deletePosts(ids: [ID!] @whereKey, title: String @eq): [Post!]! @delete

If the name of the Eloquent model does not match the return type of the field, or is located in a non-default namespace, set it with the model argument.

type Mutation {
  deletePost(id: ID! @whereKey): Post @delete(model: "Bar\\Baz\\MyPost")

This directive can also be used as a nested arg resolver.

type Mutation {
  updateUser(id: ID!, deleteTasks: [ID!]! @delete(relation: "tasks")): User!

If the model relates to a single other model through a HasOne, MorphOne, BelongsTo or MorphTo relationship, you can just pass a Boolean instead of an ID, as there is only one possible model that can be deleted.

type Mutation {
  updateTask(id: ID!, deleteUser: Boolean @delete(relation: "user")): Task!

# @deprecated

Marks an element of a GraphQL schema as no longer supported.
directive @deprecated(
  Explains why this element was deprecated.
  It is also beneficial to suggest what to use instead.
  Formatted in Markdown, as specified by [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org).
  reason: String = "No longer supported"

You can indicate schema elements are no longer supported by adding the @deprecated directive. It is recommended to provide a reason for the deprecation, as well as suggest a replacement.

type Query {
  allUsers: [User!]! @deprecated(reason: "Use `users`")
  users: [User!]!

Deprecated elements are not included in introspection queries by default, but they can still be queried by clients.

# @drop

Ignore the user given value, don't pass it to the resolver.

This is useful when you want to deprecate a field, but avoid breaking changes for clients that still pass the value.

type User {
  email: String!
  foo: String @deprecated

type Mutation {
  createUser(email: String!, foo: String @drop): User! @create

# @feature

Include the annotated element in the schema depending on a Laravel Pennant feature.
directive @feature(
  The name of the feature to be checked (can be a string or class name).
  name: String!

  Specify what the state of the feature should be for the field to be included.
  when: FeatureState! = ACTIVE

Options for the `when` argument of `@feature`.
enum FeatureState {
  Indicates an active feature.

  Indicates an inactive feature.

Requires the installation of Laravel Pennant (opens new window) and manual registration of the service provider Nuwave\Lighthouse\Pennant\PennantServiceProvider, see registering providers in Laravel (opens new window).

# @field

Assign a resolver function to a field.
directive @field(
  A reference to the resolver function to be used.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  resolver: String!

This directive is unnecessary if you use the default namespaces, see resolver precedence.

Pass a class and a method to the resolver argument and separate them with an @ symbol. If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to __invoke.

type Mutation {
  createPost(title: String!): Post!
    @field(resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Mutations\\PostMutator@create")

You can take advantage of the default namespaces that are defined in the configuration, The following will look for a class in App\GraphQL\Queries by default.

type Query {
  usersTotal: Int @field(resolver: "Statistics@usersTotal")

Be aware that resolvers are not limited to root fields. A resolver can be used for basic tasks such as transforming the value of scalar fields, e.g. reformat a date.

type User {
  created_at: String!
    @field(resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Types\\UserType@created_at")

# @find

Find a model based on the arguments provided.
directive @find(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
type Query {
  userById(id: ID! @whereKey): User @find

This throws when more than one result is returned. Use @first if the query constraints do not ensure uniqueness.

If your model does not sit in the default namespace, you can overwrite it.

type Query {
  userById(id: ID! @whereKey): User @find(model: "App\\Authentication\\User")

# @first

Get the first query result from a collection of Eloquent models.
directive @first(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

Other than @find, this will not throw an error if more than one item is in the collection.

type Query {
  userByFirstName(first_name: String! @eq): User @first

If your model does not sit in the default namespace, you can overwrite it.

type Query {
  userByFirstName(first_name: String! @eq): User
    @first(model: "App\\Authentication\\User")

# @forceDelete

Permanently remove one or more soft deleted models.
directive @forceDelete(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

Use it on a root mutation field that returns an instance of the Model.

type Mutation {
  forceDeletePost(id: ID! @whereKey): Post @forceDelete

Works very similar to the @delete directive.

# @enum

Assign an internal value to an enum key.
When dealing with the Enum type in your code,
you will receive the defined value instead of the string key.
directive @enum(
  The internal value of the enum key.
  value: EnumValue

Any constant literal value: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Input-Values
scalar EnumValue
enum Role {
  ADMIN @enum(value: 1)
  EMPLOYEE @enum(value: 2)

You do not need this directive if the internal value of each enum key is an identical string. Read more about enum types

# @eq

Add an equal conditional to a database query.
directive @eq(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Required if the directive is:
  - used on an argument and the database column has a different name
  - used on a field
  key: String

  Provide a value to compare against.
  Exclusively required when this directive is used on a field.
  value: EqValue

Any constant literal value: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Input-Values
scalar EqValue

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type User {
  posts(category: String @eq): [Post!]! @hasMany

If the name of the argument does not match the database column, pass the actual column name as the key.

type User {
  posts(category: String @eq(key: "cat")): [Post!]! @hasMany

You can also use this on a field to define a default filter:

type User {
  sportPosts: [Post!]! @hasMany @eq(key: "category", value: "sport")

# @event

Dispatch an event after the resolution of a field.

The event constructor will be called with a single argument:
the resolved value of the field.
directive @event(
  Specify the fully qualified class name (FQCN) of the event to dispatch.
  dispatch: String!
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

For example, you might want to have an event when new orders are placed in a shop:

type Mutation {
  placeOrder(items: [CartItems!]!): Order!
    @event(dispatch: "App\\Events\\PlacedOrder")

The event class must accept an Order in the constructor:

final class PlacedOrder
    public function __construct(Order $order) { ... }

# @globalId

Converts between IDs/types and global IDs.

When used upon a field, it encodes;
when used upon an argument, it decodes.
directive @globalId(
  Decoding a global id produces a tuple of `$type` and `$id`.
  This setting controls which of those is passed along.
  decode: GlobalIdDecode = ARRAY

Options for the `decode` argument of `@globalId`.
enum GlobalIdDecode {
  Return an array of `[$type, $id]`.

  Return just `$type`.

  Return just `$id`.

Instead of the original ID, the id field will now return a base64-encoded String that globally identifies the User and can be used for querying the node endpoint.

type User {
  id: ID! @globalId
  name: String

The field resolver will receive the decoded version of the passed id, split into type and ID.

type Mutation {
  deleteNode(id: ID @globalId): Node

You may rebind the \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GlobalId interface to add your own mechanism of encoding/decoding global ids.

# @guard

Run authentication through one or more guards from `config/auth.php`.

This is run per field and may allow unauthenticated
users to still receive partial results.

Used upon an object, it applies to all fields within.
directive @guard(
  Specify which guards to use, e.g. ["web"].
  When not defined, the default from `lighthouse.php` is used.
  with: [String!]

Note that @guard does not log in users. To ensure the user is logged in, add the AttemptAuthenticate middleware to your lighthouse.php middleware config.

'middleware' => [

    // Logs in a user if they are authenticated. In contrast to Laravel's 'auth'
    // middleware, this delegates auth and permission checks to the field level.

A useful pattern is to group fields in an extend type to apply @guard on all of them at once.

extend type Query @guard { ... }

The @guard directive will be prepended to other directives defined on the fields and thus executes before them.

extend type Query {
  user: User!
    @can(ability: "adminOnly")

# @hash

Use Laravel hashing to transform an argument value.

Useful for hashing passwords before inserting them into the database.
This uses the default hashing driver defined in `config/hashing.php`.

The most common use case for this is when dealing with passwords:

type Mutation {
  createUser(name: String!, password: String! @hash): User!

# @hasMany

Corresponds to [the Eloquent relationship HasMany](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#one-to-many).
directive @hasMany(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

  Allows to resolve the relation as a paginated list.
  type: HasManyType

  Allow clients to query paginated lists without specifying the amount of items.
  Overrules the `pagination.default_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means clients have to explicitly ask for the count.
  defaultCount: Int

  Limit the maximum amount of items that clients can request from paginated lists.
  Overrules the `pagination.max_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means the count is unrestricted.
  maxCount: Int

  Specify a custom type that implements the Edge interface
  to extend edge object.
  Only applies when using Relay style "connection" pagination.
  edgeType: String

Options for the `type` argument of `@hasMany`.
enum HasManyType {
  Offset-based pagination, similar to the Laravel default.

  Offset-based pagination like the Laravel "Simple Pagination", which does not count the total number of records.

  Cursor-based pagination, compatible with the Relay specification.
type User {
  posts: [Post!]! @hasMany

You can return the related models paginated by setting the type.

type User {
  postsPaginated: [Post!]! @hasMany(type: PAGINATOR)
  postsSimplePaginated: [Post!]! @hasMany(type: SIMPLE)
  postsRelayConnection: [Post!]! @hasMany(type: CONNECTION)

If the name of the relationship on the Eloquent model differs from the field name, you can override it by setting relation.

type User {
  posts: [Post!]! @hasMany(relation: "articles")

# @hasManyThrough

Corresponds to [the Eloquent relationship HasManyThrough](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#has-many-through).
directive @hasManyThrough(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

  Allows to resolve the relation as a paginated list.
  type: HasManyThroughType

  Allow clients to query paginated lists without specifying the amount of items.
  Overrules the `pagination.default_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means clients have to explicitly ask for the count.
  defaultCount: Int

  Limit the maximum amount of items that clients can request from paginated lists.
  Overrules the `pagination.max_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means the count is unrestricted.
  maxCount: Int

  Specify a custom type that implements the Edge interface
  to extend edge object.
  Only applies when using Relay style "connection" pagination.
  edgeType: String

Options for the `type` argument of `@hasManyThrough`.
enum HasManyThroughType {
  Offset-based pagination, similar to the Laravel default.

  Offset-based pagination like the Laravel "Simple Pagination", which does not count the total number of records.

  Cursor-based pagination, compatible with the Relay specification.

Usage is the same as @hasMany.

# @hasOne

Corresponds to [the Eloquent relationship HasOne](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#one-to-one).
directive @hasOne(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
type User {
  phone: Phone @hasOne

If the name of the relationship on the Eloquent model differs from the field name, you can override it by setting relation.

type User {
  phone: Phone @hasOne(relation: "telephone")

# @hasOneThrough

Corresponds to [the Eloquent relationship HasOneThrough](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#has-one-through).
directive @hasOneThrough(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
type Mechanic {
  carOwner: Owner! @hasOneThrough

If the name of the relationship on the Eloquent model differs from the field name, you can override it by setting relation.

type Mechanic {
  carOwner: Owner! @hasOneThrough(relation: "owner")

# @in

Use the client given list value to add an IN conditional to a database query.
directive @in(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type Query {
  posts(includeIds: [Int!] @in(key: "id")): [Post!]! @paginate

# @inject

Inject a value from the context object into the arguments.
directive @inject(
  A path to the property of the context that will be injected.
  If the value is nested within the context, you may use dot notation
  to get it, e.g. "user.id".
  context: String!

  The target name of the argument into which the value is injected.
  You can use dot notation to set the value at arbitrary depth
  within the incoming argument.
  name: String!
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

This is useful to ensure that the authenticated user's id is automatically used for creating new models and cannot be manipulated.

type Mutation {
  createPost(title: String!, content: String!): Post!
    @inject(context: "user.id", name: "user_id")

If you are using an Input Object as an argument, you can use dot notation to set a nested argument.

type Mutation {
  createTask(input: CreateTaskInput!): Task!
    @inject(context: "user.id", name: "input.user_id")

# @interface

Use a custom resolver to determine the concrete type of an interface.
directive @interface(
  Reference to a custom type-resolver function.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  resolveType: String!

Make sure you read the basics about Interfaces before deciding to use this directive, you probably don't need it.

Set the resolveType argument to a function that returns the implementing Object Type.

interface Commentable
  @interface(resolveType: "App\\GraphQL\\Interfaces\\Commentable@resolveType") {
  id: ID!

The function receives the value of the parent field as its single argument and must return an Object Type. You can get the appropriate Object Type from Lighthouse's type registry.

namespace App\GraphQL\Interfaces;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\TypeRegistry;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;

final class Commentable
    public function __construct(
        private TypeRegistry $typeRegistry
    ) {}

     * Decide which GraphQL type a resolved value has.
     * @param  mixed  $root  The value that was resolved by the field. Usually an Eloquent model.
    public function resolveType(mixed $root, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): Type
        // TODO implement your own resolver logic - if the default is fine, just delete this class

# @hide

Excludes the annotated element from the schema conditionally.
directive @hide(
  Specify which environments exclude this element, e.g. `["production"]`.
  Compared against the value returned from `app()->environment()`.
  env: [String!]!
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

See feature toggles.

# @lazyLoad

Perform a [lazy eager load](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#lazy-eager-loading)
on the relations of a list of models.
directive @lazyLoad(
  The names of the relationship methods to load.
  relations: [String!]!
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

This is often useful when loading relationships with the @hasMany directive.

type Post {
  comments: [Comment!]! @hasMany @lazyLoad(relations: ["replies"])

# @like

Add a `LIKE` conditional to a database query.
directive @like(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Required if the directive is:
  - used on an argument and the database column has a different name
  - used on a field
  key: String

  Fixate the positions of wildcards (`%`, `_`) in the LIKE comparison around the
  placeholder `{}`, e.g. `%{}`, `__{}` or `%{}%`.
  If specified, wildcard characters in the client-given input are escaped.
  If not specified, the client can pass wildcards unescaped.
  template: String

  Provide a value to compare against.
  Only used when the directive is added on a field.
  value: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

# @limit

Allow clients to specify the maximum number of results to return when used on an argument,
or statically limit them when used on a field.

By default, this directive does not influence the number of results the resolver queries internally,
but limits how much of it is returned to clients. Use the `builder` argument to change this.
directive @limit(
  You may set this to `true` if the field uses a query builder,
  then this directive will apply a LIMIT clause to it.
  Typically, this option should only be used for root fields,
  as it may cause wrong results with batched relation queries.
  builder: Boolean! = false

You may place this on any argument to a field that returns a list of results.

type Query {
  users(limit: Int @limit): [User!]!

Lighthouse will return at most the number of results that the client requested.

  users(limit: 4) {
  "data": {
    "users": [
      { "name": "Never" },
      { "name": "more" },
      { "name": "than" },
      { "name": "4" }

If your field is resolved through a database query, you may add the builder argument to apply an actual LIMIT clause to your SQL:

type Query {
  users(limit: Int @limit(builder: true)): [User!]! @all

# @method

Resolve a field by calling a method on the parent object.

Use this if the data is not accessible through simple property access or if you
want to pass argument to the method.
directive @method(
  Specify the method of which to fetch the data from.
  Defaults to the name of the field if not given.
  name: String

This can be useful on models or other classes that have getters:

type User {
  mySpecialData: String! @method(name: "getMySpecialData")

This will call the method User::purchasedItemsCount() with the client given arguments.

type User {
  purchasedItemsCount(year: Int!, includeReturns: Boolean): Int @method

Ensure the order of the argument definition matches the parameters of your method.

public function purchasedItemsCount(int $year, ?bool $includeReturns)

Lighthouse will always pass down the same number of arguments and default to null if the client passes nothing.

  user(id: 3) {
    purchasedItemsCount(year: 2017)

The method will get called like this:

$user->purchasedItemsCount(2017, null)

# @model

Map a model class to an object type.

This can be used when the name of the model differs from the name of the type.
directive @model(
  The class name of the corresponding model.
  class: String!

Lighthouse will respect the overwritten model name in its directives.

type Post @model(class: "\\App\\BlogPost") {
  title: String!

# @morphMany

Corresponds to [Eloquent's MorphMany-Relationship](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#one-to-many-polymorphic-relations).
directive @morphMany(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

  Allows to resolve the relation as a paginated list.
  type: MorphManyType

  Allow clients to query paginated lists without specifying the amount of items.
  Overrules the `pagination.default_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means clients have to explicitly ask for the count.
  defaultCount: Int

  Limit the maximum amount of items that clients can request from paginated lists.
  Overrules the `pagination.max_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means the count is unrestricted.
  maxCount: Int

  Specify a custom type that implements the Edge interface
  to extend edge object.
  Only applies when using Relay style "connection" pagination.
  edgeType: String

Options for the `type` argument of `@morphMany`.
enum MorphManyType {
  Offset-based pagination, similar to the Laravel default.

  Offset-based pagination like the Laravel "Simple Pagination", which does not count the total number of records.

  Cursor-based pagination, compatible with the Relay specification.
type Post {
  images: [Image!] @morphMany

type Image {
  imageable: Imageable! @morphTo

union Imageable = Post | User

# @morphOne

Corresponds to [Eloquent's MorphOne-Relationship](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#one-to-one-polymorphic-relations).
directive @morphOne(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
type Post {
  image: Image! @morphOne

type Image {
  imageable: Imageable! @morphTo

union Imageable = Post | User

# @morphTo

Corresponds to [Eloquent's MorphTo-Relationship](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#one-to-one-polymorphic-relations).
directive @morphTo(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
type Image {
  imageable: Imageable! @morphTo

union Imageable = Post | User

# @morphToMany

Corresponds to [Eloquent's ManyToMany-Polymorphic-Relationship](https://laravel.com/docs/eloquent-relationships#many-to-many-polymorphic-relations).
directive @morphToMany(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

  Allows to resolve the relation as a paginated list.
  type: MorphToManyType

  Allow clients to query paginated lists without specifying the amount of items.
  Overrules the `pagination.default_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means clients have to explicitly ask for the count.
  defaultCount: Int

  Limit the maximum amount of items that clients can request from paginated lists.
  Overrules the `pagination.max_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means the count is unrestricted.
  maxCount: Int

  Specify a custom type that implements the Edge interface
  to extend edge object.
  Only applies when using Relay style "connection" pagination.
  edgeType: String

Options for the `type` argument of `@morphToMany`.
enum MorphToManyType {
  Offset-based pagination, similar to the Laravel default.

  Offset-based pagination like the Laravel "Simple Pagination", which does not count the total number of records.

  Cursor-based pagination, compatible with the Relay specification.

# @namespace

Redefine the default namespaces used in other directives.
The arguments are a map from directive names to namespaces.
directive @namespace repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT

The following example applies the namespace App\Blog to the @field directive used on the posts field.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]!
    @field(resolver: "Post@resolveAll")
    @namespace(field: "App\\Blog")

When used upon an object type or an object type extension, the namespace applies to fields of the type as well. This allows you to specify a common namespace for a group of fields.

extend type Query @namespace(field: "App\\Blog") {
  posts: [Post!]! @field(resolver: "Post@resolveAll")

A @namespace directive defined on a field directive wins in case of a conflict.

# @namespaced

Provides a no-op field resolver that allows nesting of queries and mutations.
Useful to implement [namespacing by separation of concerns](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/technotes/TN0012-namespacing-by-separation-of-concern).
directive @namespaced on FIELD_DEFINITION

The following example shows how one can namespace queries and mutations.

type Query {
  post: PostQueries! @namespaced

type PostQueries {
  find(id: ID! @whereKey): Post @find
  list(title: String @where(operator: "like")): [Post!]! @paginate

type Mutation {
  post: PostMutations! @namespaced

type PostMutations {
  create(input: PostCreateInput! @spread): Post! @create
  update(input: PostUpdateInput! @spread): Post! @update
  delete(id: ID! @whereKey): Post! @delete

# @neq

Use the client given value to add a not-equal conditional to a database query.
directive @neq(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type User {
  posts(excludeCategory: String @neq(key: "category")): [Post!]! @hasMany

# @nest

A no-op nested arg resolver that delegates all calls
to the ArgResolver directives attached to the children.

This may be useful to logically group arg resolvers.

type Mutation {
  createUser(name: String, tasks: UserTasksOperations @nest): User! @create

input UserTasksOperations {
  newTask: CreateTaskInput @create(relation: "tasks")

input CreateTaskInput {
  name: String

type Task {
  name: String!

type User {
  name: String
  tasks: [Task!]! @hasMany

# @node

Register a type for Relay's global object identification.

When used without any arguments, Lighthouse will attempt
to resolve the type through a model with the same name.
directive @node(
  Reference to a function that receives the decoded `id` and returns a result.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.

  Mutually exclusive with `model`.
  resolver: String

  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.

  Mutually exclusive with `resolver`.
  model: String

When you use @node on a type, Lighthouse will add a field node to the root Query type. If you want to customize its description, change the resolver or add middleware, you can add it yourself like this:

type Query {
  "This description is up to you."
  node(id: ID! @globalId): Node
    @field(resolver: "Nuwave\\Lighthouse\\GlobalId\\NodeRegistry@resolve")

Lighthouse defaults to resolving types through the underlying model, for example by calling User::find($id).

type User @node {
  id: ID! @globalId

You can also use a custom resolver function to resolve any kind of data.

type Country @node(resolver: "App\\Countries@byId") {
  name: String!

The resolver argument has to specify a function which will be passed the decoded id and resolves to a result.

public function byId($id): array
    return [
        'DE' => ['name' => 'Germany'],
        'MY' => ['name' => 'Malaysia'],

Read more.

Behind the scenes, Lighthouse will decode the global ID sent from the client to find the model by its primary key in the database.

# @notIn

Use the client given value to add a NOT IN conditional to a database query.
directive @notIn(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type Query {
  posts(excludeIds: [Int!] @notIn(key: "id")): [Post!]! @paginate

# @orderBy

Sort a result list by one or more given columns.
directive @orderBy(
  Restrict the allowed column names to a well-defined list.
  This improves introspection capabilities and security.
  Mutually exclusive with `columnsEnum`.
  Only used when the directive is added on an argument.
  columns: [String!]

  Use an existing enumeration type to restrict the allowed columns to a predefined list.
  This allows you to re-use the same enum for multiple fields.
  Mutually exclusive with `columns`.
  Only used when the directive is added on an argument.
  columnsEnum: String

  Allow clients to sort by aggregates on relations.
  Only used when the directive is added on an argument.
  relations: [OrderByRelation!]

  The database column for which the order by clause will be applied on.
  Only used when the directive is added on a field.
  column: String

  The direction of the order by clause.
  Only used when the directive is added on a field.
  direction: OrderByDirection = ASC

Options for the `direction` argument of `@orderBy`.
enum OrderByDirection {
  Sort in ascending order.

  Sort in descending order.

Options for the `relations` argument of `@orderBy`.
input OrderByRelation {
  Name of the relation.
  relation: String!

  Restrict the allowed column names to a well-defined list.
  This improves introspection capabilities and security.
  Mutually exclusive with `columnsEnum`.
  columns: [String!]

  Use an existing enumeration type to restrict the allowed columns to a predefined list.
  This allows you to re-use the same enum for multiple fields.
  Mutually exclusive with `columns`.
  columnsEnum: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

See ordering.

# @paginate

Query multiple entries as a paginated list.
directive @paginate(
  Which pagination style should be used.
  type: PaginateType = PAGINATOR

  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  Mutually exclusive with `builder` and `resolver`.
  model: String

  Point to a function that provides a Query Builder instance.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  Mutually exclusive with `model` and `resolver`.
  builder: String

  Reference a function that resolves the field by directly returning data in a Paginator instance.
  Mutually exclusive with `builder` and `model`.
  Not compatible with `scopes` and builder arguments such as `@eq`.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  resolver: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

  Allow clients to query paginated lists without specifying the amount of items.
  Overrules the `pagination.default_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means clients have to explicitly ask for the count.
  defaultCount: Int

  Limit the maximum amount of items that clients can request from paginated lists.
  Overrules the `pagination.max_count` setting from `lighthouse.php`.
  Setting this to `null` means the count is unrestricted.
  maxCount: Int

  Reference a function to customize the complexity score calculation.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  complexityResolver: String

Options for the `type` argument of `@paginate`.
enum PaginateType {
  Offset-based pagination, similar to the Laravel default.

  Offset-based pagination like the Laravel "Simple Pagination", which does not count the total number of records.

  Cursor-based pagination, compatible with the Relay specification.

# Basic usage

This directive is meant to be used on root query fields:

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @paginate

When you want to paginate a relationship, use the to-many relationship directives such as @hasMany instead.

The schema definition is automatically transformed to this:

type Query {
    "Limits number of fetched items."
    first: Int!

    "The offset from which items are returned."
    page: Int
  ): PostPaginator

"A paginated list of Post items."
type PostPaginator {
  "A list of Post items."
  data: [Post!]!

  "Pagination information about the list of items."
  paginatorInfo: PaginatorInfo!

"Information about pagination using a fully featured paginator."
type PaginatorInfo {
  "Number of items in the current page."
  count: Int!

  "Index of the current page."
  currentPage: Int!

  "Index of the first item in the current page."
  firstItem: Int

  "Are there more pages after this one?"
  hasMorePages: Boolean!

  "Index of the last item in the current page."
  lastItem: Int

  "Index of the last available page."
  lastPage: Int!

  "Number of items per page."
  perPage: Int!

  "Number of total available items."
  total: Int!

It can be queried like this:

  posts(first: 10) {
    data {
    paginatorInfo {

# Pagination type

The type of pagination defaults to PAGINATOR, but may also be set to SIMPLE (see Simple Pagination) or a Relay compliant CONNECTION.

Lighthouse does not support actual cursor-based pagination as of now, see https://github.com/nuwave/lighthouse/issues/311 for details. Under the hood, the "cursor" is decoded into a page offset.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @paginate(type: CONNECTION)

The final schema will be transformed to this:

type Query {
    "Limits number of fetched items."
    first: Int!

    "A cursor after which elements are returned."
    after: String
  ): PostConnection

"A paginated list of Post edges."
type PostConnection {
  "Pagination information about the list of edges."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

  "A list of Post edges."
  edges: [PostEdge]

"An edge that contains a node of type Post and a cursor."
type PostEdge {
  "The Post node."
  node: Post

  "A unique cursor that can be used for pagination."
  cursor: String!

# Simple Pagination

In contrast to other pagination types, SIMPLE pagination only fires a single database query on every request. This improves performance, but means that the response does not hold information about the total number of items.

If you wish to use the simplePaginate method, set the type to SIMPLE.

Please note that the SIMPLE paginator does not have the attributes lastPage and total.

If you need those fields, you should use the default PAGINATOR.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @paginate(type: SIMPLE)

The schema definition is automatically transformed to this:

type Query {
    "Limits number of fetched items."
    first: Int!

    "The offset from which items are returned."
    page: Int
  ): PostSimplePaginator

"A paginated list of Post items."
type PostSimplePaginator {
  "A list of Post items."
  data: [Post!]!

  "Pagination information about the list of items."
  paginatorInfo: SimplePaginatorInfo!

"Information about pagination using a simple paginator."
type SimplePaginatorInfo {
  "Number of items in the current page."
  count: Int!

  "Index of the current page."
  currentPage: Int!

  "Index of the first item in the current page."
  firstItem: Int

  "Index of the last item in the current page."
  lastItem: Int

  "Number of items per page."
  perPage: Int!

  "Are there more pages after this one?"
  hasMorePages: Boolean!

It can be queried like this:

  posts(first: 10) {
    data {
    paginatorInfo {

# Default count

You can supply a defaultCount to set a default count for any type of pagination.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @paginate(type: CONNECTION, defaultCount: 25)

This lets you omit the count argument when querying:

query {
  posts {

# Limit maximum count

Lighthouse allows you to specify a global maximum for the number of items a user can request through pagination through the config. You may also overwrite this per field with the maxCount argument:

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @paginate(maxCount: 10)

# Overwrite model

By default, Lighthouse looks for an Eloquent model in the configured default namespace, with the same name as the returned type. You can overwrite this by setting the model argument.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @paginate(model: "App\\Blog\\BlogPost")

# Custom builder

If simply querying Eloquent does not fit your use-case, you can specify a custom builder.

type Query {
  blogStatistics: [BlogStatistic!]! @paginate(builder: "App\\Blog@statistics")

Your method receives the typical resolver arguments and has to return an instance of Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder.

If you actually want to query a model and possibly its relations through nested fields, make sure to return an Eloquent builder, e.g. Post::query().

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;

final class Blog
    public function statistics(mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): Builder
        return DB::table('posts')

# Custom resolver

You can provide your own function that resolves the field by directly returning data in a \Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\Paginator instance.

This is mutually exclusive with builder and model. Not compatible with scopes and builder arguments such as @eq.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @paginate(resolver: "App\\GraphQL\\Queries\\Posts")

A custom resolver function may look like the following:

namespace App\GraphQL\Queries;

use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;

final class Posts
     * @param  null  $root Always null, since this field has no parent.
     * @param  array{}  $args The field arguments passed by the client.
     * @param  \Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext  $context Shared between all fields.
     * @param  \GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo  $resolveInfo Metadata for advanced query resolution.
    public function __invoke(mixed $root, array $args, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): LengthAwarePaginator
        //...apply your logic
        return new LengthAwarePaginator([
                'id' => 1,
                'title' => 'Flying teacup found in solar orbit',
                'id' => 2,
                'title' => 'What actually is the difference between cookies and biscuits?',
        ], 2, 15);

# @rename

Change the internally used name of a field or argument.

This does not change the schema from a client perspective.
directive @rename(
  The internal name of an attribute/property/key.
  attribute: String!

This can often be useful to ensure consistent naming of your schema without having to change the underlying models.

type User {
  createdAt: String! @rename(attribute: "created_at")

input UserInput {
  firstName: String! @rename(attribute: "first_name")

# @restore

Un-delete one or more soft deleted models.
directive @restore(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]

Use it on a root mutation field that returns an instance of the Model.

type Mutation {
  restorePost(id: ID! @whereKey): Post @restore

Works very similar to the @delete directive.

# @rules

Validate an argument using [Laravel validation](https://laravel.com/docs/validation).
directive @rules(
  Specify the validation rules to apply to the field.
  This can either be a reference to [Laravel's built-in validation rules](https://laravel.com/docs/validation#available-validation-rules),
  or the fully qualified class name of a custom validation rule.

  Validation rules that mutate the given input values are _not_ supported:
  - `exclude_if`
  - `exclude_unless`
  Use ArgTransformerDirectives or FieldMiddlewareDirectives instead.
  apply: [String!]!

  Specify a custom attribute name to use in your validation message.
  attribute: String

  Specify the messages to return if the validators fail.
  messages: [RulesMessage!]

Input for the `messages` argument of `@rules`.
input RulesMessage {
  Name of the rule, e.g. `"email"`.
  rule: String!

  Message to display if the rule fails, e.g. `"Must be a valid email"`.
  message: String!

For example, this rule ensures that users pass a valid 2 character country code:

type Query {
  users(countryCode: String @rules(apply: ["string", "size:2"])): [User!]! @all

Read more in the validation docs.

# @rulesForArray

Run validation on an array itself, using [Laravel built-in validation](https://laravel.com/docs/validation).
directive @rulesForArray(
  Specify the validation rules to apply to the field.
  This can either be a reference to any of Laravel's built-in validation rules: https://laravel.com/docs/validation#available-validation-rules,
  or the fully qualified class name of a custom validation rule.

  Validation rules that mutate the given input values are _not_ supported:
  - `exclude_if`
  - `exclude_unless`
  Use ArgTransformerDirectives or FieldMiddlewareDirectives instead.
  apply: [String!]!

  Specify a custom attribute name to use in your validation message.
  attribute: String

  Specify the messages to return if the validators fail.
  messages: [RulesForArrayMessage!]

Input for the `messages` argument of `@rulesForArray`.
input RulesForArrayMessage {
  Name of the rule, e.g. `"email"`.
  rule: String!

  Message to display if the rule fails, e.g. `"Must be a valid email"`.
  message: String!

This is typically used to assert a certain number of elements is given in a list.

type Mutation {
    flavors: [IcecreamFlavor!]! @rulesForArray(apply: ["min:3"])
  ): Icecream

Read more in the validation docs.

# @scalar

Reference a class implementing a scalar definition.
directive @scalar(
  Reference to a class that extends `\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType`.
  class: String!

If you follow the namespace convention, you do not need this directive. Lighthouse looks into your configured scalar namespace for a class with the same name.

Learn how to implement your own scalar. (opens new window)

scalar DateTime @scalar(class: "DateTimeScalar")

If your class is not in the default namespace, pass a fully qualified class name.

scalar DateTime
  @scalar(class: "Nuwave\\Lighthouse\\Schema\\Types\\Scalars\\DateTime")

# @scope

Adds a scope to the query builder.

The scope method will receive the client-given value of the argument as the second parameter.
This also works with custom query builders, it simply calls its methods with the argument value.
directive @scope(
  The name of the scope or method on the custom query builder.
  Defaults to the name of the argument or input field.
  name: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type Query {
  posts(trending: Boolean @scope): [Post!]! @all

The scope will be passed the value of the client-given argument:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

final class Post extends Model
    public function scopeTrending(Builder $query, bool $trending): Builder { ... }

You can use the name argument if your scope is named differently from your argument:

type Query {
  posts(isTrending: Boolean @scope(name: "trending")): [Post!] @all
Perform a full-text search by the given input value.
directive @search(
  Specify a custom index to use for search.
  within: String

Requires the installation of Laravel Scout (opens new window) and manual registration of the service provider Nuwave\Lighthouse\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider, see registering providers in Laravel (opens new window).

The search() method of the model is called with the value of the argument, using the driver you configured for Scout.

type Query {
  posts(search: String @search): [Post!]! @paginate

The @search directive only works in combination with filter directives that implement the interface Nuwave\Lighthouse\Scout\ScoutBuilderDirective:

Normally the search will be performed using the index specified by the model's searchableAs method. However, in some situation a custom index might be needed, this can be achieved by using the argument within.

type Query {
  posts(search: String @search(within: "my.index")): [Post!]! @paginate

# @show

Includes the annotated element from the schema conditionally.
directive @show(
  Specify which environments include this element, e.g. ["testing"].
  Compared against the value returned from `app()->environment()`.
  env: [String!]!
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

See feature toggles.

# @softDeletes

Allows to filter if trashed elements should be fetched.
This manipulates the schema by adding the argument
`trashed: Trashed @trashed` to the field.
directive @softDeletes on FIELD_DEFINITION

The following schema definition from a .graphql file:

type Query {
  tasks: [Tasks!]! @all @softDeletes

Will result in a schema that looks like this:

type Query {
  tasks(trashed: Trashed @trashed): [Tasks!]! @all

Find out how the added filter works: @trashed

# @spread

Merge the fields of a nested input object into the arguments of its parent
when processing the field arguments given by a client.

You may use @spread on field arguments or on input object fields:

type Mutation {
  updatePost(id: ID!, input: PostInput! @spread): Post! @update

input PostInput {
  title: String!
  content: PostContent @spread

input PostContent {
  imageUrl: String

The schema does not change, client side usage works as if @spread was not there:

mutation {
    id: 12
    input: {
      title: "My awesome title"
      content: { imageUrl: "https://some.site/image.jpg" }
  ) {

Internally, the arguments will be transformed into a flat structure before they are passed along to the resolver:

    'id' => 12,
    'title' => 'My awesome title',
    'imageUrl' = 'https://some.site/image.jpg',

Note that Lighthouse spreads out the arguments after all other ArgDirectives have been applied, e.g. validation, transformation.

# @subscription

Reference a class to handle the broadcasting of a subscription to clients.
The given class must extend `\Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Types\GraphQLSubscription`.
directive @subscription(
  A reference to a subclass of `\Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\Types\GraphQLSubscription`.
  class: String!

If you follow the default naming conventions for defining subscription fields you do not need this directive. It is only useful if you need to override the default namespace.

type Subscription {
  postUpdated(author: ID!): Post
    @subscription(class: "App\\GraphQL\\Blog\\PostUpdatedSubscription")

# @throttle

Sets rate limit to access the field. Does the same as ThrottleRequests Laravel Middleware.
directive @throttle(
  Named preconfigured rate limiter.
  name: String

  Maximum number of attempts in a specified time interval.
  maxAttempts: Int = 60

  Time in minutes to reset attempts.
  decayMinutes: Float = 1.0

  Prefix to distinguish several field groups.
  prefix: String

Allows use Laravel throttling on a per-field basis. See Laravel doc (opens new window) on how to configure named limiters.

Limiters that return response are not supported. Hashes are different from the ones of Laravel, so one can't use one named limiter to limit both Laravel route and GraphQL field.

# @trashed

Allows to filter if trashed elements should be fetched.

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

The most convenient way to use this directive is through @softDeletes.

If you want to add it manually, make sure the argument is of the enum type Trashed:

type Query {
  flights(trashed: Trashed @trashed): [Flight!]! @all

# @trim

Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a given input.

This can be used on:
- a single argument or input field to sanitize that subtree
- a field to trim all strings

Whitespace around the passed in string will be removed.

type Mutation {
  createUser(name: String @trim): User

Usage on a field applies trim recursively to all inputs.

type Mutation {
  createUser(input: CreateUserInput): User @trim

If you want this for all your fields, consider adding this directive to your global field middleware in lighthouse.php:

    'field_middleware' => [

# @union

Use a custom function to determine the concrete type of unions.
directive @union(
  Reference a function that returns the implementing Object Type.
  Consists of two parts: a class name and a method name, seperated by an `@` symbol.
  If you pass only a class name, the method name defaults to `__invoke`.
  resolveType: String!
) on UNION

Make sure you read the basics about Unions before deciding to use this directive, you probably don't need it.

type User {
  id: ID!

type Employee {
  employeeId: ID!

union Person @union(resolveType: "App\\GraphQL\\Unions\\Person@resolveType") =
  | Employee

The function receives the value of the parent field as its single argument and must resolve an Object Type from Lighthouse's TypeRegistry.

namespace App\GraphQL\Unions;

use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Execution\ResolveInfo;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Schema\TypeRegistry;
use Nuwave\Lighthouse\Support\Contracts\GraphQLContext;

final class Person
    public function __construct(
        private TypeRegistry $typeRegistry
    ) {}

     * Decide which GraphQL type a resolved value has.
     * @param  mixed  $root The value that was resolved by the field. Usually an Eloquent model.
    public function resolveType(mixed $root, GraphQLContext $context, ResolveInfo $resolveInfo): Type
        // TODO implement your own resolver logic - if the default is fine, just delete this class

# @update

Update an Eloquent model with the given arguments.
directive @update(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Specify the name of the relation on the parent model.
  This is only needed when using this directive as a nested arg
  resolver and if the name of the relation is not the arg name.
  relation: String

Use it on a root mutation field that returns an instance of the Model.

type Mutation {
  updatePost(id: ID!, content: String): Post! @update

If the primary key of your model is not called id, it is recommended to rename it. Client libraries such as Apollo base their caching mechanism on that assumption.

type Mutation {
  updatePost(id: ID! @rename(attribute: "post_id"), content: String): Post!

If the name of the Eloquent model does not match the return type of the field, or is located in a non-default namespace, set it with the model argument.

type Mutation {
  updateAuthor(id: ID!, name: String): Author! @update(model: "App\\User")

This directive can also be used as a nested arg resolver.

# @updateMany

Update multiple Eloquent models with the given arguments.
directive @updateMany(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Specify the name of the relation on the parent model.
  This is only needed when using this directive as a nested arg
  resolver and if the name of the relation is not the arg name.
  relation: String

When used on a field, it must have exactly one argument where the type is a non-null list of input objects.

type Mutation {
  updatePosts(inputs: [UpdatePostInput!]!): [Post!]! @updateMany

input UpdatePostInput {
  id: ID!
  title: String

# @upload

Uploads given file to storage, removes the argument and sets
the returned path to the attribute key provided.

This does not change the schema from a client perspective.
directive @upload(
  The storage disk to be used, defaults to config value `filesystems.default`.
  disk: String

  The path where the file should be stored.
  path: String! = "/"

  Should the visibility be public?
  public: Boolean! = false

This is useful when you want pass in a file as an argument but have it upload and resolve to a filepath. For example, you want to pass in a user avatar, have that file uploaded and the resulting filepath stored as a row in a database table.

type Mutation {
    avatar: Upload @upload(disk: "public", path: "images/avatars", public: true)
  ): User! @create

type User {
  avatar: String!

# @upsert

Create or update an Eloquent model with the given arguments.
directive @upsert(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Specify the name of the relation on the parent model.
  This is only needed when using this directive as a nested arg
  resolver and if the name of the relation is not the arg name.
  relation: String

Lighthouse will try to fetch the model by its primary key, just like @update. If the model doesn't exist, it will be newly created with a given id. In case no id is specified, an auto-generated fresh ID will be used instead.

type Mutation {
  upsertPost(id: ID, content: String!): Post! @upsert

This directive can also be used as a nested arg resolver.

# @upsertMany

Create or update multiple Eloquent models with given arguments.
directive @upsertMany(
  Specify the class name of the model to use.
  This is only needed when the default model detection does not work.
  model: String

  Specify the name of the relation on the parent model.
  This is only needed when using this directive as a nested arg
  resolver and if the name of the relation is not the arg name.
  relation: String

When used on a field, it must have exactly one argument where the type is a non-null list of input objects.

type Mutation {
  upsertPosts(inputs: [UpsertPostInput!]!): [Post!]! @upsertMany

input UpsertPostInput {
  id: ID
  title: String!

# @validator

Provide validation rules through a PHP class.
directive @validator(
  The name of the class to use.

  If defined on an input, this defaults to a class called `{$inputName}Validator` in the
  default validator namespace. For fields, it uses the namespace of the parent type
  and the field name: `{$parent}\{$field}Validator`.
  class: String

Read more in the validation docs.

# @where

Use an input value as a [where filter](https://laravel.com/docs/queries#where-clauses).
directive @where(
  Specify the operator to use within the WHERE condition.
  operator: String = "="

  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

  Use Laravel's where clauses upon the query builder.
  This only works for clauses with the signature (string $column, string $operator, mixed $value).
  clause: String

  Provide a value to compare against.
  Exclusively required when this directive is used on a field.
  value: WhereValue

  Treat explicit `null` as if the argument is not present in the request?
  ignoreNull: Boolean! = false

Any constant literal value: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Input-Values
scalar WhereValue

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

You can specify simple operators:

type Query {
  postsSearchTitle(title: String! @where(operator: "like")): [Post!]! @all

Or use the additional clauses that Laravel provides:

type Query {
  postsByYear(created_at: Int! @where(clause: "whereYear")): [Post!]! @all

When used on a field, you must define key and value:

type Query {
  importantPosts: [Post!]! @all @where(key: "priority", operator: ">", value: 5)

If you want to prevent explicit null values to be passed to the query you can use ignoreNull:

type Post {
    id: ID!
    # Never null
    title: String!

type Query {
    posts(title: String @where(ignoreNull: true)): [Post!]! @all

query {
    posts {
        # gets all posts

    posts(title: null) {
        # same result as above

# @whereAuth

Filter a type to only return instances owned by the current user.
directive @whereAuth(
  Name of the relationship that links to the user model.
  relation: String!

  Specify which guards to use, e.g. ["api"].
  When not defined, the default from `lighthouse.php` is used.
  guards: [String!]

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

The following query returns all posts that belong to the currently authenticated user.
Behind the scenes it is using a whereHas query.

type Query {
  posts: [Post!]! @all @whereAuth(relation: "user")

# @whereBetween

Verify that a column's value is between two values.

The type of the input value this is defined upon should be
an `input` object with two fields.
directive @whereBetween(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

This example defines an input to filter that a value is between two dates.

type Query {
  posts(created_at: DateRange @whereBetween): [Post!]! @all

input DateRange {
  from: Date!
  to: Date!

You may use any custom input type for the argument. Make sure it has exactly two required fields to ensure the query is valid.

# @whereConditions

The documentation for this directive is found in Complex Where Conditions.

# @whereHasConditions

The documentation for this directive is found in Complex Where Conditions.

# @whereJsonContains

Use an input value as a [whereJsonContains filter](https://laravel.com/docs/queries#json-where-clauses).
directive @whereJsonContains(
  Specify the database column and path inside the JSON to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type Query {
  posts(tags: [String]! @whereJsonContains): [Post!]! @all

You may use the key argument to look into the JSON content:

type Query {
  posts(tags: [String]! @whereJsonContains(key: "tags->recent")): [Post!]! @all

# @whereKey

Add a where clause on the primary key to the Eloquent Model query.
directive @whereKey(
  Provide a value to compare against.
  Exclusively required when this directive is used on a field.
  value: WhereKeyValue

Any constant literal value: https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/draft/#sec-Input-Values
scalar WhereKeyValue

Use together with directives that make Eloquent queries such as @find, @all or @delete.

type Query {
  post(id: ID! @whereKey): Post @find
  posts(ids: [ID!]! @whereKey): [Post!]! @all

type Mutation {
  deletePost(id: ID! @whereKey): Post! @delete

# @whereNotBetween

Verify that a column's value lies outside two values.

The type of the input value this is defined upon should be
an `input` object with two fields.
directive @whereNotBetween(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type Query {
    notCreatedDuring: DateRange @whereNotBetween(key: "created_at")
  ): [Post!]! @all

input DateRange {
  from: Date!
  to: Date!

# @whereNotNull

Filter the value is not null.
directive @whereNotNull(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

  Should the value not be null?
  Exclusively required when this directive is used on a field.
  value: Boolean

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type Query {
  posts(withTitle: Boolean @whereNotNull(key: "title")): [Post!]! @all

# @whereNull

Filter the value is null.
directive @whereNull(
  Specify the database column to compare.
  Only required if database column has a different name than the attribute in your schema.
  key: String

  Should the value be null?
  Exclusively required when this directive is used on a field.
  value: Boolean

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

type Query {
  posts(unpublished: Boolean @whereNull(key: "published_at")): [Post!]! @all

# @with

Eager-load an Eloquent relation.
directive @with(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class,
  if it is named different from the field in the schema.
  relation: String

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

This can be a useful optimization for fields that are not returned directly but rather used for resolving other fields.

type User {
  taskSummary: String! @with(relation: "tasks") @method(name: "getTaskSummary")

If you just want to return the relation itself as-is, look into handling Eloquent relationships.

# @withCount

Eager-load the count of an Eloquent relation if the field is queried.

Note that this does not return a value for the field, the count is simply
prefetched, assuming it is used to compute the field value. Use `@count`
if the field should simply return the relation count.
directive @withCount(
  Specify the relationship method name in the model class.
  relation: String!

  Apply scopes to the underlying query.
  scopes: [String!]
) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION

This can be a useful optimization for fields that use the count to compute a result.

type User {
  activityStatistics: ActivityStatistics! @withCount(relation: "posts")

If you just want to return the count itself as-is, use @count.

# @withoutGlobalScopes

Omit any number of global scopes from the query builder.

This directive should be used on arguments of type `Boolean`.
The scopes will be removed only if `true` is passed by the client.
directive @withoutGlobalScopes(
  The names of the global scopes to omit.
  names: [String!]!

This directive only works if the field resolver passes its builder through a call to $resolveInfo->enhanceBuilder(). Built-in field resolver directives that query the database do this, such as @all or @hasMany.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

final class Post extends Model
    protected static function booted(): void
        self::addGlobalScope('scheduled', fn (Builder $query): Builder => $query
type Query {
    includeUnscheduled: Boolean @withoutGlobalScopes(names: ["scheduled"])
  ): [Post!]! @all