# Soft Deleting

Lighthouse offers convenient helpers to work with models that utilize soft deletes (opens new window).

# Filter Soft Deleted Models

If your model uses the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes trait, you can add the @softDeletes directive to a field to be able to query onlyTrashed, withTrashed or withoutTrashed elements.

type Query {
  flights: [Flight!]! @all @softDeletes

Lighthouse will automatically add an argument trashed to the field definition and include the enum Trashed.

type Query {
  flights(trashed: Trashed @trashed): [Flight!]! @all

Used for filtering
enum Trashed {
  ONLY @enum(value: "only")
  WITH @enum(value: "with")
  WITHOUT @enum(value: "without")

You can include soft deleted models in your result with a query like this:

  flights(trashed: WITH) {

# Restoring Soft Deleted Models

If your model uses the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes trait, you can restore your model using the @restore directive.

type Mutation {
  restoreFlight(id: ID! @whereKey): Flight @restore

Simply call the field with the ID of the flight you want to restore.

mutation {
  restoreFlight(id: 1) {

This mutation will return the restored object.

# Permanently Deleting Models

To truly remove a model from the database, use the @forceDelete directive. Your model must use the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes trait.

type Mutation {
  forceDeleteFlight(id: ID! @whereKey): Flight @forceDelete

Simply call it with the ID of the Flight you want to permanently remove.

mutation {
  forceDeleteFlight(id: 5) {

This mutation will return the deleted object, so you will have a last chance to look at the data.

  "data": {
    "forceDeleteFlight": {
      "id": 5