# Relay

# Cursor Connection

Relay requires a particular kind of pagination which is the Cursor Connection (opens new window) To get a relay-compatible connection on a root query field, use the @paginate directive with the pagination type connection.

type Query {
  users: [User] @paginate(type: "connection")

This automatically converts the type definition into a relay connection and constructs the appropriate queries via the underlying Eloquent model. Connections can also be used for sub-fields of a type, given they are defined as a HasMany-Relationship in Eloquent. Use the @hasMany directive.

type User {
  name: String
  posts: [Post] @hasMany(type: "connection")

# Global Object Identification

// TODO write out this section, accepting PR's

Global Object Identification (opens new window)



# Mutations

// TODO write something about how Mutations must always take InputObjects and how flattening helps achieve that.