# Query caching

In order to speed up GraphQL query parsing, the parsed queries can be stored in the Laravel cache.

Query caching is enabled by default. You can define cache store and cache duration, see config/lighthouse.php.

Make sure you flush the query cache when you deploy an upgraded version of the webonyx/graphql-php dependency:

php artisan cache:clear

# Automated Persisted Queries

Lighthouse supports Automatic Persisted Queries (APQ), compatible with the Apollo implementation (opens new window).

APQ is enabled by default, but depends on query caching being enabled.

# Testing caveats

If you are mocking Laravel cache classes like \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache or \Illuminate\Cache\Repository and asserting expectations in your unit tests, it might be best to disable the query cache in your phpunit.xml:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <phpunit ...>
+         <server name="LIGHTHOUSE_QUERY_CACHE_ENABLE" value="false" />